Saturday, June 26, 2021

Less Than Half of Texans Fully Vaccinated

 As of June 23, about 47% of the Texas population has received at least one dose of the vaccine, and 40% are now fully vaccinated. Anyone over the age of 12 is able to get the vaccine in Texas. 

Currently data on the state's vaccination progress faces demographic, geographic, and data challenges. Demographically, the state has a higher-than-average population of young children under the age of 12. Geographically, many of the state's population, about a third, lives in rural areas. Distribution of vaccines to rural areas is difficult, and often many healthcare workers have had to drive round trips to large cities to get vaccine doses. Lastly the data collection system is slow and it takes days at a time for administered doses to be reported publicly.

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 Bibliography Brooks, B. (2021, June 25). Not taking it: Remote West Texas COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy plain to see . Reuters.